By, J.L.Chiang 
                        Questions                       My Experience                               Tips
My Hamster's a girl and keeps having babies what do I do?

I just got a hamster and i need a house or something for it to sleep I like the igloo houses except we can't get one! What do I do?

My hamsters keep fighting and biting them selves! HELP!

   Well my hamster's had babies lots of times and it got annoying u just got to keep the males from the females in different cages. 

I couldn't buy one either. so my mom used stuff we hav but dont need like boxes or something like that.

My hamsters had the same problems. Sometimes they even bleed! Sometimes u should put on antibiotic on them.


You can just use stuff around the house. Like for instance an Oatmeal box can work u just have to cut it up a bit.

Put them in separate boxes. But sometimes try to stop the fight. Grab a cup and cover one of the hamsters and take them out. But careful they might bite after the fight!

                                                MORE TIPS COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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